Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Facebook The End of Friendship As We Know It Essay
Facebook: Its The End of Friendship As We Know It (and I feel fine) Manjoo’s essay Is Facebook a Fad provides extensive insight into various social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Based on statistics derived from Manjoo’s essay, we get to know that Facebook has over one billion active users and one half of them log into their accounts each day (Manjoo p.223). William Deresiewicz also eludes to this in his essay Faux Friendship. As a result of so many people opting to turn to social networking sites, this in turn has made friendship to smoothly be integrated into the various new electronic lifestyles. One way that these sites poses an imminent threat to our ability to communicate face to face, is that,†¦show more content†¦In respect to this, our individual friendship becomes blurred since we tend to spend a lot of time chatting with people who are far away from us instead of concentrating on those around us. Thus to Deresiewicz the more people we know the lonelier we get (Deresiewicz p.478). According to Deresiewicz one of the ways that social networks have shaped our identity is that, nowadays, people are willing and eager to conduct their private lives in public. For instance, people comment about their personal feelings or their whereabouts not knowing of the dangers they pose to themselves. Anything posted on facebook, can be seen by anyone so long as he or she is your friend thus most people comment about their private lives not keeping in mind that not everyone is as friendly as he or she seems in social networking sites. According to Deresiewicz, the value of friendship lies in the space of privacy it creates and not based on secrets that two people share (Deresiewicz p.478). In reference to Deresiewicz, it’s also important to note that most people impersonate themselves while on social networking sites thus making us feel that we quite don’t really know the people we refer to us as being close friends. One of the ways that social networking sites have rede fined the concept of friendship is that, it has led to an end, the classicalShow MoreRelatedHow Social Media Has On Our Society1010 Words  | 5 PagesIn â€Å"Faux Friendship,†associate professor William Deresiewics discusses the affect that social media has on our society. Deresiewics originally published this piece in The Chronicles of Higher Education in December 2009, but this piece has been published in The Nation, The American Scholar, The London Review of Books, and The New York Times. Deresiewics’ attempts to convince readers that social media take away our ability to build relationships in person. Despite Deresiewics’ appeal to ethos andRead MoreHow Facebook Has Changed Our Lives1269 Words  | 6 Pagesrun across people that do not have a Facebook account. Facebook has become so widely popular that it is hard to imagine how we kept in touch without it. Facebook has changed the way we socialize but providing everyone access to a large number of social contacts that would be impossible to maintain through traditional methods of keeping in touch such as face to face meetings, letters, or telephone calls. Facebook helps us easily connect with people with whom we might lose touch without it. It can justRead MoreThe Current Time Period Of The World919 Words  | 4 PagesIn the current time period of the world we inhabit we are in a social media age. Social media is websites that enable us to communicate with one another over the internet. Some of these sites are twitter and Facebook. This like anything else comes with pros and cons. An example of a pro would be it is easier for us to find information with websites like google. A major con and what we will be discussing today is a lack of personal communication with each other. It’s quite the contradictionRead MoreSocial Networking Sites Are Beneficial Or Harmful?1713 Words  | 7 PagesThere is much controversy on whether or not social networking sites are beneficial or harmful to society. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become an important part in the everyday lives of many adolescents, teenagers and young adults. They have become such an important part of the lives of the younger crowd that older generations refer to them as â€Å"the wired generation†(Jacobsen, 2011). Many question whether or not this new â€Å"wired generation†is positive of negative. Different peopleRead MorePrivacy Levels on Social Networking Sites - To What Extent Are They 1743 Words  | 7 Pagesyou want to re-connect with an old high school friend, or whether you just want to make some friends online in general. Social networking sites have revolutionised communication, and are now one of the main sources of communication used today. Facebook was created in 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerburg, and is estimated to have over 175 million members (Hovi, Pitkanen, Tuunainen, 2009). Whilst social networking sites have grown over the years, so have concerns about privacy issues on theseRead MoreWhy Gay Men and Straight Women Have Such Close Relationships860 Words  | 3 Pageswomen. For the current research in this article, researchers hypothesized that the trustworthiness and honesty that often characterizes gay male-straight female friendships may be rooted in mating relevant domains. Basically, with the absence of deceptive mating motivations, one is able to fully feel comfortable and honest within the friendship and not have to worry that they are being hit on. This experiment was done in two parts. The first experiment was known as straight women’s perceptionsRead MoreIs Social Media A Form Of Narcissism?1238 Words  | 5 Pages Can the excessive use of social media, specifically Facebook, be seen as a form of narcissism? Editors Edwin E. Gantt and Brent Slife of Brigham Young University present two opposing opinions to explore this topic in their presentation, â€Å"Is Excessive Use of Social Media a Form of Narcissism?†. Could the oversharing, â€Å"duck face†, and look at me virtual world be a way to reach out to each other or just a shallow attempt at self-validation? Each article expresses the author’s views, and research onRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society1442 Words  | 6 Pagespromoted in recent years. The population of adults who fully engage in the social networking has increased tremendously. In the article â€Å"Virtual Popularity Isn’t Cool- It’s Pathet ic†, Ian Daly presents the statistic that there are sixty-four million Facebook users are over the ages of twenty-five and one hundred and ten million MySpace users are over thirty-five (par.1). For the people who born in the 1980s or earlier, they are already working for years to pay their bills and develop their careers. ThereforeRead MoreHow Social Media Affects Tangible Relationships Social Interaction1698 Words  | 7 Pagesgeneration communicates with one another in comparison to older generations. Recent technological innovations, such as social media networking sites has been said to alter the way in which we communicate and the interaction we obtain face-to-face. According to Charles Blow, author of Friends, Neighbors, and Facebook, â€Å"Social networks are rewiring our relationships and our keyboard communities are affecting the attachments in our actual ones†(1).However, research shows that social media not only altersRead MoreSummary Of Aunt Jennifers Tigers By Adrienne Rich1646 Words  | 7 Pagesdaughters misfortune if he would have one and ends up with the thought of not having any daughter. The tone of Kees is harsh and dark. Kees uses the awful words The nights slow poison, tolerant and bland, Has moved her blood. / Or, fed on hate, she relishes the sting Of others agony; perhaps the cruel Bride of syphilitic or a fool. to describe the destination of a daughter that a father envisions. The future that he thinks of his kid is horrible. At the end I have no daughter. I desire none. , the
Monday, December 16, 2019
Online Shopping versus Retail Free Essays
I will be showing you the comparison and contrast between online shopping and going to an actual retail store. When you sit and think about it, there are many differences between the two, but which of the two would you find more convenient and save you the most money. Many consumers have their very own preference when it comes to shopping. We will write a custom essay sample on Online Shopping versus Retail or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I think about the two, I find online shopping a bigger advantage, and also a wider variety of items I may not find in a retail store while walking around. The benefits of online shopping and what it offers to our consumers. With the click of the mouse all your Christmas shopping can be done – now all we have to do is teach our computers to wrap them as well. Thanks to the internet and online stores we can shop in any store, anywhere in the world from the comfort of our home, without the hassle of crowds, queues and parking. While there is a strong online presence, shoppers still love hitting the stores for experience of Christmas gift giving. Brands Exclusive and Living Exclusive head buyer Garth Allan said online shopping has definitely become the new trend in retail. Brands Exclusive is Australia’s leading online shopping club and offers savings of up to 70%off RRPs for more than 800 international and Australian brands. More than 80,000 new members are joining each month with two million Australian members overall. Brands Exclusive recently launched an iPhone app and iPad app for members to gain access to sales anytime. â€Å"Browsing and buying in the store can be a very time consuming process, especially if you have a busy schedule as it. Online stores such as Brands Exclusive are accessible any time of the day or night offering genuine products at significantly Compare and contrast essay over online shopping verses retail shopping PG 3. reduced prices. â€Å"Online retailers also provide access to a broad range of brands and products in one place, making it much simpler for shoppers to browse and buy. †â€Å"Today, people really value the time and effort saved from being able to purchase products at the click of a button verses going to a store. †He said because of that online shopping was a key part of the retail sector and was set to grow 14. 1% to $26. 9 billion by 2016, according to PWC’s 2012 Australian and Bew Zealand Online Shopping Retail shopping and the many benefits it offers to our consumers. Consumers have become increasingly sophisticated and demanding with the availability and abundance of products, services, information, technology, as well as retail stores and channels (Terblanche and Boshoff, 2004). From the consumer’s viewpoint, obtaining value is a fundamental consumption goal and pivotal to all successful exchange transactions (Holbrook, 1994). In response, many retailers are seeking to turn shopping into a high-value pursuit and are highlighting consumer value as an important source of competitive advantage (Woodruff, 1997). Despite the importance of value in creating consumer shopping experiences, existing literature on shopping value is limited. Researchers have conceptualized consumer shopping value from different perspectives and disagree upon dimensions of shopping value. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of consumer shopping value is needed. This research seeks to understand consumer shopping value and its dimensions from a holistic view by connecting shopping motivations and processes to the ultimate outcome of shopping through exploring consumers’ shopping experiences in two major shopping contexts: department stores and mass merchandisers. Department stores and mass merchandisers are of interest because they have reigned as primary retailers in the U. S. and have had a significant impact on the retail marketplace due to their size, longevity, national profile and large Compare and contrast essay over online shopping verses retail shopping PG 4. number of consumers they serve (Wellman, 1980 and Rabolt and Miler, 2009). Department stores are large retail units, such as Macy’s, Dillard’s, and JCPenney in the United States, which generally carry an extensive assortment of merchandise organized into separate departments (Rabolt and Miler, 2009). Mass merchandisers are large retail discount stores such as Wal-Mart, Kmart, and Target, which serve the mass market (Rabolt and Miler, 2009). Department stores and mass merchandisers have applied different merchandising strategies and focused on different value propositions. Department stores emphasize fashion goods with higher markups, extensive service, and a pleasant shopping experience with the value propositions of entertainment, service, and scale. Mass merchandisers, on the other hand, offer a broad range of merchandise at lower prices, provide limited service, and tend to focus on moving merchandise quickly with the hallmark value propositions of low price and shopping convenience. Therefore, comparing consumer shopping experiences at department stores and mass merchandisers may capture key dimensions of shopping value in the retail marketplace and can shed light on the relationship between retail formats and the type of shopping value that consumers gain. Consumer shopping value: An investigation of shopping trip value, in-store shopping value and retail format Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services When you compare the two, you see that they both are a shopping experience that is a preference to one person. If you think of a difference in the two, one is online with modern technology in the comfort of your home or office and retail shopping requires you to drive your car, fight with crowds, search for parking, and stand in long checkout lines. Compare and contrast essay over online shopping verses retail shopping PG 5. In conclusion you can see by the compare and contrast there were several advantages and dis-advantages of the two. In my personal opinion I would consider the retail for my groceries and small trips for the necessary items that I may need to get by. When I am searching for a gift I usually turn to the internet, because it allows me to browse many stores and sites to find the bargains and pricing in my budget that I am willing to spend towards my purchase. I have got great bargains at retail shops and stores in the past. An example was recently on black Friday, I went to our local Wal-Mart and it was so overcrowded and long checkout lines I wished I would of reconsider that trip I made, but I was able to by many Christmas presents at a bargain price. How to cite Online Shopping versus Retail, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Artificial insemination Essay Example For Students
Artificial insemination Essay Artificial insemination is the injection of SEMEN into the vagina by instrumental means. The first artificial inseminations of viviparous (live-bearing) animals were performed by the 18th-century Italian physiologist Lazzaro Spallanzani, who proved that the male contribution to reproduction resided in the semen, although he did not recognize spermatozoa as the fertilizing agents. Pioneering work in the artificial insemination of dairy and beef animals was done in Russia about the time of the Revolutions of 1917. By the 1930s it was being practiced throughout Europe and the United States. The principal advantage of artificial insemination over natural breeding is that a single male of superior genetic quality can be used to impregnate thousands of females, thereby improving herds and increasing dairy and meat production. With artificial insemination, dairy farmers need not risk the deterioration of their herds from excessive inbreeding, nor incur the expense of maintaining their own bulls. In humans, artificial insemination is used to achieve pregnancy when an anatomical impediment prevents direct fertilization. When the male is sterile, semen is collected from an anonymous donor who is known by the physician to have a family history free of genetic disease. The same precautions are taken when, as in recent years, artificial insemination has been used as a means of providing a child to a couple where the woman cannot conceive. In such cases the husbands sperm is used to fertilize a SURROGATE MOTHER, who has volunteered to bear the child, usually for a fee, and to give it up immediately after its birth. At question are the legal aspects of surrogate motherhood as well as unresolved moral and religious issues. In cases where a woman is unable to conceive as a result of defective oviducts, an egg can be removed surgically from her ovary and fertilized in vitro: in a petri dish under laboratory conditions that simulate the environment inside the oviduct where fertilization normally takes place (see IN VITRO FERTILIZATION). The embryo is then transferred to the womans uterus to develop normally. Zoo workers are in the process of refining artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization technologies to help breed a rare and endangered species, to replace the expensive and not-always-successful practice of shipping animals around for mating purposes. Importing semen will make it easier to mate rare animals from far-flung zoos, keeping a good amount of variety in the gene pool. Peter L. Petrakis Bibliography: Andrews, Lori, New Conceptions (1983); Behrman, S. J. , et al., eds., Progress in Infertility (1988); Corea, Gena, The Mother Machine (1985); Noble, E., Having Your Baby by Donor Insemination: A Complete Resource Guide (1988); ODonovan, Oliver, Begotten or Made? Human Procreation and Medical Technique (1984); Overhold, A. Z., Surrogate Parenting (1988); Perry, E. J., ed. , The Artificial Insemination of Farm Animals (1981); Shannon, T.A., and Cahil, L.S. , Religion and Artificial Reproduction (1988); Waltz, J.A., Artificial Insemination and the Unmarried Woman: Legal Rights and Responsibilities (1987). See also: EUGENICS; FERTILITY, HUMAN.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Steppenwolf Review Essay Example
Steppenwolf Review Paper Essay on Steppenwolf If you are interested in what happened to Harry Haller after the novel Steppenwolf events, then you have to read the story The Steppenwolf. Written in 1927 (in the year of publication of the novel), he talks about the future, but not the last adventures of the protagonist lost his way between the world of humans and wolves. So, in the near future we can expect from the most authoritative government department definitive answer the question of who is in the end is a Steppenwolf -. animal or a human it seems that this story is not so much the desire not to leave Hesse beloved hero, as a response to the readers perception and criticism of the work. This is indicated and year of writing the story, audible tone of dialogue. And the name of the story is twofold. Each of us, as stated in the most part highly educated supporters of this point of view, each of us is in fact secretly and quietly carries in his chest sort of Steppenwolf. [] each of us, so did these liberal-minded people, at heart quite familiar feelings, instincts and suffering Steppenwolf, each of us has to deal with them and all of us in fact is also just such a poor, howling, hungry Steppenwolf . So they said, when, dressed in w lkovye shirts on about the Steppenwolf, and many social critics also say so, and then they are hoisting themselves on their heads luxurious felt hats, wore their luxurious fur coat, sat down in their luxury cars and slithered back to their jobs, to their offices and . editors, in their receiving and factories one evening of whiskey one of them even offered to organize society Steppenwolf We will write a custom essay sample on Steppenwolf Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Steppenwolf Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Steppenwolf Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer on another occasion, Hesse openly laughs at those who are exposed. Steppenwolf - the book nihilistic , nasmehayusch ysya of social and cultural institutions. Steppenwolf in all respects is questionable, dangerous and unhealthy phenomenon that he had only mocks decent citizens, disrupts the knightly image from the walls of educational temples, mocking, even at himself Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and since this creature Steppenwolf nothing is sacred, and on some of the young people it works is contagious and exciting, you should eventually get together and end this Steppe volchischey; until pribesh it and bury it in the ground, not from him no rest . Coming and swat it is possible, but my teeth wolf their already shown, and even bitten by very many people. The floor rumbled and Goethe [is said to bust], like Goethe some philologists, split into three parts. Each of these three parts of the wolf cursory sniff, then calmly turned his back . Well, that to Harry? Harry, playing the, all the places rastavlyaet chess game, prefers not to make a choice between wolves world and the world of men. Harry caught in the guise of a wolf and ka albeit not very usual, but a predator put in a cage. it is expected a full house visits, but the wolf melancholy looks at idle crowd, finding in it, yet amusing representatives, each of which, in part, too, Harry Haller, Steppenwolf. and the warlike boy, and she ekzalti ovannaya lady, in love with the brutal nature of the animal, and stupidity seeing nothing beyond invented the image, and gentle little girl. Steppenwolf listened peacefully licked his fangs. The boy liked him. Hopefully, he thought, -. That when we suddenly meet with you on the same road, you have in your hands the gun Let us also hope that I will meet you in the open steppe, and not go out, say, unexpectedly I meet you in your own mirror. The boy was it nice. Hell make a dashing fellow, efficient and successful engineer or manufacturer, or an officer, and Harry would not mind occasionally face off with him forces and, if necessary, even to get under his bullet . A wonderful story. If you missed wolf, read more Besides, he did a short Read the story of Hermann Hesse:.. About Steppenwolf
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Unit 028 Develop Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and Other Involved in their care Outcome 1 Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people Essays
Unit 028 Develop Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and Other Involved in their care Outcome 1 Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people Essays Unit 028 Develop Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and Other Involved in their care Outcome 1 Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people Essay Unit 028 Develop Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and Other Involved in their care Outcome 1 Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people Essay Unit 028 Develop Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and Other Involved in their care Outcome 1 Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people By loup Positive relationships are important with children and young people because I need to establish trust with them so that we can work together day. If I dont have that positive relationship with the children then they wont trust me enough to talk to me or listen to me. It takes time for relationships to be built, they dont Just develop. In order to uild these relationships I would get down to the same level as the children and talk to them and play with them and slowly encourage them to Join in with me in the various activities we are doing, should it be drawing a picture or building blocks etc. I would give the children lots of approval, reassurance and encouragement while working with them in order to give them more confidence in letting me Join in with their play and to aid them opening up to me more. I would also show the children I work with respect and courtesy so that they in turn can show the same to me. I would ensure I communicate clearly with the children so that they understand what I expect of them and in turn I would ensure that I listen to them to what they have to say as I feel that trust and positive relationships cannot be built of I am unable to listen to their needs and wants. To carry this out effectively I need to get down to the childs level and let them talk to me without rushing them or trying to guess what they are going to say and I would also try and keep a childs confidence if it is appropriate to do so.
Friday, November 22, 2019
List of French to English False Cognates
List of French to English False Cognates One of the great things about learning French or English is that many words have the same roots in the Romance languages and English. However, there are also a great many faux amis, or false cognates, which look similar but have different meanings. This is one of the biggest pitfalls for students of French. There are also semi-false cognates: words that can only sometimes be translated by the similar word in the other language.This alphabetical list (newest additions) includes hundreds of French-English false cognates, with explanations of what each word means and how it can be correctly translated into the other language. To avoid confusion due to the fact that some of the words are identical in the two languages, the French word is followed by (F) and the English word is followed by (E).Fabrique (F) vs Fabric (E)     Fabrique (F) is a factory. De bonne fabrique means good workmanship.     Fabric (E) is equivalent to tissu or à ©toffe. When speaking fi guratively, e.g., the fabric of society, the French word is structure. Facilità © (F) vs Facility (E)     Facilità © (F) means ease, easiness, ability, or aptitude.     Facility (E) is a semi-false cognate. It usually refers to a structure that serves a particular function, although it can mean easiness, aptitude, etc.Faà §on (F) vs Fashion (E)     Faà §on (F) means way, as in voil la faà §on dont il procà ¨de - this is the way he does it. It can be translated by fashion when it is synonymous with way or manner, as in ma faà §on - in my fashion / my way.     Fashion (E) is a style or custom, usually in clothing: mode or vogue. For all of you apple pie eaters out there, now you know that la mode really means in fashion.Facteur (F) vs Factor (E)     Facteur (F) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to factor, it can mean postman, mailman, or maker - un facteur de pianos - piano maker.     Factor (E) un facteur, un à ©là ©ment, un indice.Fastidieux (F) vs F astidious (E)     Fastidieux (F) means tedious, tiresome, or boring     Fastidious (E) means attentive to detail or exacting: minutieux, mà ©ticuleux, tatillon. Fendre (F) vs Fend (E)     Fendre (F) means to split or to chop.     Fend (E) is se dà ©brouiller, to fend off means parer or dà ©tourner.Figure (F) vs Figure (E)     Figure (F) is a semi-false cognate. It is the French word for face, but can also refer to an illustrated or mathematical figure.     Figure (E) refers to numbers chiffres as well as to the form of a persons body: forme, silhouette.File/Filer (F) vs File (E)     File (F) is a line or queue. Filer (F) means to spin (e.g., cotton or thread) or to prolong.     File (E) can refer to une lime (as well as the verb limer), un dossier, or un classeur (and the verb classer).Film (F) vs Film (E)     Film (F) refers to a movie.     Film (E) can mean un film as well as la pellicule.Finalement (F) vs Finally (E)     Finalement (F) means eventually or in the end.     Finally (E) is enf in or en dernier lieu.Flemme (F) vs Phlegm (E)     Flemme (F) is an informal word for laziness. Its commonly used in the expressions avoir la flemme (Jai la flemme dy aller - I cant be bothered to go) and tirer sa flemme - to loaf about.      Phlegm (E) la mucosità ©.Flirter (F) vs Flirt (E)     Flirter (F) may mean to flirt or to go out with/date someone.     Flirt (E) is flirter or, informally, draguer.Fluide (F) vs Fluid (E)     Fluide (F) can be a noun: fluid, or an adjective: fluid, flowing, flexible. Il a du fluide - He has mysterious powers.     Fluid (E) means fluide or liquide.Fond (F) vs Fond (E)     Fond (F) is a noun: bottom or back.     Fond (E) is an adjective: to be fond of - aimer beaucoup, avoir de laffection pour.Football (F) vs Football (E)     Football (F) or le foot, refers to soccer (in American English).     Football (E) le football amà ©ricain.Forcà ©ment (F) vs Forcefully (E)     Forcà ©ment (F) means inevitably or necessarily.     Forcefully (E) can be translated by avec force or avec vigueur.Forfait (F) vs Forfeit (E)Â à ‚    Forfait (F) is a fixed, set, or all-inclusive price; a package deal; or, in sports, a withdrawal.     Forfeit (E) as a noun indicates un prix, une peine, or un dà ©dit.Formation (F) vs Formation (E)     Formation (F) refers to training as well as formation/forming.      Formation (E) means formation or crà ©ation.Format (F) vs Format (E)     Format (F) means size.     Format (E) as a noun refers to prà ©sentation; as a verb it means formater or mettre en forme.Formel (F) vs Formal (E)     Formel (F) usually means categoric, strict, or definite, but may be translated by formal in linguistics, art, and philosophy.     Formal (E) officiel or cà ©rà ©monieux.Formidable (F) vs Formidable (E)     Formidable (F) is an interesting word, because it means great or terrific; almost the opposite of the English. Ce film est formidable ! - This is a great movie!     Formidable (E) means dreadful or fearsome: The opposition is formidable - Lopposition est redoutable/effrayante.Fort (F) vs Fort (E)     Fort (F) is an adjective: strong or loud as well as a noun - fort.     Fort (E) refers to un fort or fortin.Four (F) v s Four (E)     Four (F) is an oven, kiln, or furnace.     Four (E) quatre.Fourniture (F) vs Furniture (E)     Fourniture (F) means supplying or provision. Its from the verb fournir: to supply or provide.     Furniture (E) refers to meubles or moblier.Foyer (F) vs Foyer (E)     Foyer (F) can mean home, family, or fireplace as well as a foyer.     Foyer (E) is un foyer, un hall, or un vestibule.fraà ®che (F) vs fresh (E)     fraà ®che (F) is the feminine form of the adjective frais, which means both fresh and cool. So this tends to be problem for native French speakers, who often translate boissons fraà ®ches as fresh drinks, when what they really mean is cool drinks.     fresh (E) frais, rà ©cent, nouveau.Friction (F) vs Friction (E)     Friction (F) can refer to a massage in addition to friction.     Friction (E) la friction.Fronde (F) vs Frond (E)     Fronde (F) is a sling, slingshot, or catapult; a revolt; or a frond.     Frond (E) une fronde or une feuille.Front (F) vs Front (E)Â Â Â à ‚  Front (F) means front as well as forehead.     Front (E) le front or avant.Futile (F) vs Futile (E)     Futile (F) can mean futile but is more likely to be frivolous or trivial.      Futile (E) is nearly always translated by vain.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Change in management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Change in management - Essay Example They will have equal opportunities for progress. They will just have to follow certain procedures and policies designed by the management and I assure you that these policies and procedures will be friendly for the employees. I want to know all the concerns of the employees and I am sure that my policies and procedures will be accommodative. I will only prove to be a strict manager if all the codes and conducts defined by the management are not followed. Discipline is required everywhere to lead a healthy life and to perform all the functions appropriately. You are always welcome to come to me to discuss all your problems. There are certain suitable ways with the help of which, you can perform all organizational functions successfully with less chances of making errors and you have to understand this aspect to work as a successful functional employee of the firm. I will conduct weekly meetings to assess company’s progress along with employees’ progress. For this purpose , a board will be there that will be accountable for bringing forth all the problems and concerns related to work and employees. The employees will be restricted to work according to the company’s set procedures and policies. The employees will have chances to win bonuses and allowances for their work.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Human behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human behavior - Assignment Example In the Gulf countries, gender discrimination is the most common and vital problems among others. Women of the Saudi Arabia are restricted many aspects both on personal and professional ground. They do not the freedom to drive car, work in the private sectors as well as they are not eligible to work in the garment industry. These are the social restriction imposed on women and hence their right to live a free life is being curbed to a considerable extent (Paludi, 2010). Moreover, women have to wear ‘Burka’ every time, they have no freedom to wear western dresses, they have to cover their head and face throughout the day to add to it they also do not have the freedom to be bare feet. On the contrary, Men of the Gulf countries enjoy various rights. Men have segregated women from the society, especially in the social parties and get-togethers were women are not allowed to attain any social gathering. According to International Labor Organization (ILO), the rate of employment is very low in case of women, because women of the Islamic family do not to permit work outside the house. Gradually, this known scenario is changing and affecting the status of women, as they are now coming out and working in banks, and other governmental places. However, women are not allowed to converse with the opposite gender in the workplace. This aspect of women in Saudi Arab refers to the curbing of human rights and freedom of speech. Moreover, government head s of the Gulf countries generate work only for women, where people of opposite genders do not allow to work. This action represents the practice of gender discrimination against women (Newman, 1999). In the work place, where people of both gender work in the same level, there women always face discrimination regarding different kinds of employ benefits, such as women employee get maternity benefit exclusive of child care
Saturday, November 16, 2019
English Commentary - James Thurber Essay Example for Free
English Commentary James Thurber Essay James Thurber’s â€Å"Footnote on the future†is a first person limited narrative written as an account of the author on the topic of science and the future. The piece is written with the aim of entertaining the reader; many elements in it – comedy, colloquial and conversatonal language, irony, personification and unusual imagery reflect this unified effect. It is important to remember that although the author criticises scientists, himself and the human race in general, he does so weakly and in an amicable and comical way. The theme of the piece is humour and this is achieved in several ways. One method used by Thurber is to include deliberately implicitly sadistic ideas into the piece. Thurber writes as if he were disappointed when he finds out that â€Å"neither the sun nor the mind of man is, after all, going out. †This achieves humour because it seems as though Thurber is in opposition to mankind and its future even though he is a human himself. In addition, amusing and ridiculous personification is included in the text: the universe is said to have â€Å"quit shrinking†; Thurber wishes that Halley’s Comet â€Å"deals California a glancing backhand blow before it goes careening off†; the sun-spots spread as said to have been â€Å"spreading as rapidly as ulcerative gingivitis†. Humour is also accomplished by Thurber when he ridicules himself in the opening paragraph of the piece. Whilst attempting to make himself seem important and chiefly intelligent, he implies that information is delievered to him rather than searched by him as shown in the quote: â€Å"word is brought to me†. However, following on from this forementioned quote, Thurber reveals that it is his â€Å"pageboys†that deliver information to him. The fact that page boys do not normally deliver â€Å"information†, but instead deliver wedding rings to a priest, implies that Thurber may have mistaken the function of page boys and has therefore ridiculed himself in an attempt to seem intelligent. In terms of content, eccentric imagery is also used to simply achieve the reader’s attention. Thurber makes the reader to imagine Earth as a â€Å"flimsy globe†and then later to imagine it being knocked â€Å"far into the oblivious Darkness, the incomprehensible Cold†. This produces shock to the reader and in fact could be considered as ironic as it implies that Thurber does not believe in a religion; instead believes that the existence of the universe can be explained through science – something that he criticises throughout the piece. Thurber directs some attention to scientists and takes care to use the image of â€Å"bearded watchers of the skies†as a stereotype to describe them. Throughout the passage manages to portray scientists negatively through successfully (in his opinion) disproving Dr. Tilney’s theory, describing his frustration in the lack of certaintiy scientists have when predicting where and when a comet may hit Earth and commenting seemingly ironically that Time magazine is â€Å"always infallible†and. The use of irony is common throughout the piece. He comments that scientists are â€Å"quite naturally cheerful†even though â€Å"billions of unused brain cells have been detected in the cortex of man†. Thurber however gives no explanation for why the scientists are joyful. Thurber further incorporates irony into the text when he states â€Å"we were given only a few paltry aeons to prepare our species for the end†. As an aeon is considered a period of a billion years, it would be reasonable to think that there would in fact be enough time to be prepared for such a catastrophe; Thurber does this purposefully to criticise scientists’ perception of time. The reader’s attention is retained through a consistently colloquial and conversational use of language. Thurber refers and converses to the reader in second person when he says â€Å"the rest of you may go†, â€Å"you may all file out now†and â€Å"don’t ask me why, it just has†. The author also informally refers to the theory that man has many unused brain cells as a â€Å"little menace†and chooses to describe his age in 1910 as when he was â€Å"a stripling of sixteen going on seventeen†.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
biological species concept :: essays research papers fc
Biological Species Concept (BSC) What are biological species? At first glance, this seems like an easy question to answer. Homo sapiens is a species, and so is Canis familaris (dog). Many species can be easily distinguished. When we turn to the technical literature on species, the nature of species becomes much less clear. Biologists offer a dozen definitions of the term "species". These definitions are not fringe accounts of species but prominent definitions in the current biological literature. Philosophers also disagree on the nature of species. Here the concern is the ontological status of species. Some philosophers believe that species are natural kinds. Others maintain that species are particulars or individuals. The concept of species plays an important role both in and outside of biology. Because of the important role of this concept, many biologists proposed definitions for this concept. Over the last few decades, the Biological Species Concept (BSC) has become predominately the dominant species definition used in biology. This concept defines a species as a reproductive community. This though has had much refinement through the years. The earliest precursor to the concept is in Du Rietz (1930) then later Dobzhansky added to this definition in 1937. But even after this the definition was highly restrictive, the definition of a species that is accepted as the Biological Species Concept was founded by Ernst Mayr; â€Å"...groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other such groups†. However, this is a definition on what happens in nature. Mayr later amended this definition to include an ecological component; â€Å"... a reproductive community of populations (reproductively isolated from others) that occupies a specific niche in nature. The BSC is greatly accepted among vertebrate zoologists and en tomologists. Two reasons account for this addition to the definition of Biological Species Concept. Firstly, these are the groups that the authors of the BSC worked with (Mayr is an Ornithologist & Dobzhansky has worked mainly with Drosophila). More importantly, Sexual reproduction is the predominate form of reproduction in these groups. It is not coincidental that the BSC is less widely used amongst botanists. Terrestrial plants exhibit much greater diversity in their mode of reproduction than vertebrates and insects. There have been many criticisms of the BSC in its theoretical validity and practical utility. For example, the application of the BSC to a number of groups is problematic because of interspecific hybridization between clearly delimited species.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Main Theories of Aggression
Outline and assess the main theories of aggression Aggression is an act of hostility with deliberate intention to harm another person against his or her will. Some psychologists believe that aggression is an important aspect of our evolutionary ancestry and it is understood better in that context, whereas others believe that aggression is best explained in physiological terms e. g. the imbalance of hormones or neurotransmitters in the brain. There are many definitions used to explain why humans/ animals become aggressive (http://www. essortment. com/all/whatisaggress_rxeo. tm). In the social learning theory (SLT) of aggression, Bandura (1962) suggested that the expression of aggression is learnt through social learning not ignoring the fact that the potential for the human aggression was biological. Bandura claimed that we learn specific aggressive behaviours for example, the form in which the aggression takes and how it is addressed to the target. Skinner, 1953 suggested that a chil d learns the aggressive behaviour through direct reinforcement while Bandura argues that a child learns by observing role models indirectly. Moreover, the SLT can be used to explain other behaviours such as eating disorders, personality etc. Research carried out by Phillip (1986) suggested the daily homicide rate in the US almost increased in the following of a major boxing match this suggested that the viewers were imitating the behaviour they watched from their ‘role models’. This clear shows that the SLT can also be used to explain the behaviour of both the children and adults. This is because aggressive behaviour is witnessed at home and at school as well as through the media i. . reading books, watching television and listening to a certain type of music. By observing the consequences of other’s actions, children learn the aggressive behaviour indirectly. This whole process is known as the ‘vicarious reinforcement’ whereby a child learns the likely outcome of the aggressive behaviour and from that observation; they obtain the behaviour that is considered appropriate. Not only does a c hild learn the behaviour but the child also observes if the behaviour is worth repeating. In the future, the child is likely to repeat the behaviour when the expectation of a reward is greater than the expectations of being punished (Bandura, 1962). Looking at the Bobo doll studies, Bandura et al found that children who watched an aggressive model became more aggressive and imitated the behaviour portrayed by the model. This is clear evidence to support the SLT for the fact a child learnt the aggressive behaviour by observing the ‘role’ model. On the other hand, the aggression was imposed towards a ‘doll’ affecting the reliability of the conclusion because this was a ‘still’ figure that could not use self-defence. As a result to this, Bandura repeated the study using a film of woman hitting a live clown, therefore this influenced the children to also hit a live clown when given the opportunity. This can explain the cultural differences, for the fact that societies such as the US are highly violent compared to other pygmies of central Africa who manage to live in cooperative friendliness (Aronson, 1999). These findings could be explained by the differences due to social learning whereby the different societies influence the behaviour of the two cultures. However, people also react differently in term of different situations because aggressive behaviour is rewarded in certain situations than others (i. e. Competitive sports such rugby, boxing etc. ). The appropriate behaviour is learnt for particular situations. Moreover, aggression could also be explained as a result of the loss of personal identity this could be due to the relative anonymity of being in a crowd or wearing a uniform. The Stanford Prison Experiment illustrates this effect; this is whereby Zimbardo showed how the guards who were deindividuated by mirrored glasses and uniforms behaved aggressively towards the prisoners. The Stanford Prison Experiment is an empirical support for the deindividuated theory because it shows how the behaviour of the ‘normal’ students changed after they had been assigned to adopt the role of guards. However, the brutality could be explained in terms of the perceived social roles because they were not shown the exact way that the ‘actual’ guards behaved. Psychologist Zimbardo believes that deindividuated people are likely to behave aggressively because the loss of a sense in the individual can lead to reduced self- restraint. This in turn leads to impulsive and deviant behaviour and a less concern over negative evaluation from others. Being anonymous in a crowd has the psychological consequence of reducing restraints and increasing behaviours that are usually inhibited. Prentice- Dunn and Rogers (1982) suggested that an increase in aggressive behaviour following deindividuation might be caused by the reduced privacy rather than public self- awareness, i. . becoming less self-aware rather than being anonymous to others. A problem for the theory is that deindividuation does not always lead to aggression, and may actually lead to pro-social behaviour. In a meta- analysis of 60 studies of deindividuation, Postmes and Spears (1998) found that deindividuation does not always lead to aggression for example, an individual part of an angry mo b is likely to behave aggressively while a member of a peace rally is likely to become to peaceful. This clearly shows that frustration leads to aggression. Frustration determines whether aggression is effective in that situation. Dollard et al (1939) outlined the frustration-aggression theory suggesting that frustration leads to aggression and that aggression is forced by the aggression. Therefore, aggression is the consequence of generalised physiological arousal.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano Book Review
Compare the 18th century African slave trade to a game of checkers. Played on a checkered board of 64 opposing colors, the object of checkers is to capture or block all the men of an opponent. Careful planning of attack and defense are key elements to winning. The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano does more than just detail the experiences of a former African slave, it sets forth the play sequence between the various players engaged in the slave trade, the emotions involved, the effects and consequences on the players, and the future of the game if it were allowed to continue. Equiano experienced life as a slave on several continents. He endured the torment of the Middle Passage and the various physical and emotional insults and tortures, which came as a result of bondage to another individual. These descriptions are important in establishing the primary players in the slave game. The first is the African player and the other is the White player represented by both Europeans and Americans. The beginning descriptions of Equiano’s tribal life are instrumental in understanding the nature of the African player. Equiano perceives the difference in the African way of life versus that of the European as merely one of time. The Africans have not had the time to learn and grow as the Europeans have. Equiano maintains the notion that existing in a different state of being does not give the European the right to take advantage of their situation in order to promote their own welfare. â€Å"Let the polished and haughty European recollect that his ancestors were once, like the African, uncivilized, and even barbarous. Let such reflections as these melt the pride of their superiority into sympathy for the wants and miseries of their sable brethren and compel them to acknowledge that understanding is not confined to feature or color. Equiano uses scripture to support his idea that all men were created the same and merely existed in different states of progression. The majority of Europeans did not share Equiano’s views. As a result the rules of the game changed for the Europeans who viewed themselves as superior to that of the African. These views were responsible for the horrors, which many Africans f aced in slavery. Even those Europeans who tried to treat slaves with respect could not escape the economic benefits slavery provided them. As a result the European was held captive by his own desire to win rather than to play fair. The European plan of attack was ruthless and he felt he had nothing to fear from the African. Equiano writes that these feelings on the part of the European ate away at the salvation of the European soul. Slavery affected not only the body of the African but also their hope. Equiano describes men in his company who would rather jump off a ship and perish in the sea than endure the atrocities of the Middle Passage. Even those Africans who were granted freedom still suffered the abuse of slavery. After a horrifying incident aboard the London slave ship the Zong, Equiano, a free man at the time, wrote of the courts â€Å"he saw no help in them, nor by the law. †Not only was the incident aboard the Zong an example of the horrors that existed when people were treated as property but served as an example of how the ideas of superiority on the part of the English served to strike a blow at the hope of the African. The recurring theme of religion in Equiano’s narrative is important in understanding that one’s actions cannot escape the judgment and eye of God. Equiano felt comfort and solace in the doctrines of Christianity. It was a force that comforted him when his duties of a slave almost destroyed him and his inability to be treated as an equal when free mystified him. In true Christianity Equiano also saw hope for the Europeans who were losing their souls to the slave trade. In an address of thanks to the Quakers in Grace Church Court, Equiano states that by lifting the burdens of the Negroes there might be in â€Å"some measure, be the possible means, under God, of saving the souls of many of the oppressors. In the checker game of the slave trade, the Europeans did not realize that their men were being lost. They felt they were winning the game in regards to economics. Equiano alerted the reader to the cost the European was paying for their grasp on wealth and prosperity. Equiano’s notion that men can only be saved through a combination of faith, works and grace is important in understanding the effects of the trade upon the future of the game. Equiano recognized that there were no lasting winners in the slave trade. The Europeans were losing the game because they failed to see the eternal consequences of their actions. Equiano believed that the European could still prosper economically without the slave trade if the right plan were to be put into effect. This plan would benefit all involved. Equiano fight for the abolishment of slavery was the tip of the iceberg in his quest. He called for a change of attitude in regards to race relations. He believed this would be the ultimate step in restoring the dignity of all involved. Equiano had seen first hand that many Europeans still viewed Africans as property even when they were free and treated them as such. Equiano knew that merely breaking the chains of slavery was not enough to make its effect disappear. Just as men needed all components of the faith – grace equation to be saved, those involved in the slave trade needed a change in attitude to prevail in order to restore hope and eternal relationships. Equiano wrote, â€Å"After all what makes any event important, unless by its observation we become better and wiser, and learn to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before God? . Equiano’s narrative teaches us that in order for individuals to truly win they must not compete against one another nor capture or enslave based on the notion of race. Instead they should look for ways to work together to find and enjoy the treasures of wisdom and salvation Equiano believed were available to all. I believe in Equiano’s message. It w as one of powerful humility and quite visionary for his time. He was no ordinary man as he claims. His insights into his experiences and encounters with both players of the slave trade reflected a depth of understanding no money could buy. His ability to shed light on the emotions of all players involved opened my eyes to the various sides of the slave trade of the time. His message is applicable not only to these aspects of slave trade of the 18th century but also to other concepts of World History past and present. It is important to recognize and understand the concept that when we fail to recognize the importance of others and try to dominate rather than cooperate the only winner of the game is disaster and heartache.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Thomas Hobbes essays
Thomas Hobbes essays Thomas Hobbes, a mathematician, and John Locke, a philosopher both had great ideas on human society. Hobbes had a more pessamistic outlook on on human nature. Locke saw men living in a state of nature which was basically reasonable an cooperative. In my opinion hobbes ideas on human nature as being competitive prove more true. Humans are reasonably cooperative but it is a learned trait, uneducated humans like early cave men would compete for food, they would live in a state of war. In a condition as no education, it would be every man for himself, there would be no culture, no technology, no society and humans would live in continual fear and danger of death, and life would be poor, nasty, and short.Both of these philosophers have ideas that prove true to human society but Hobbes ideas reflect more on nature and the human society. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
American History X
In this same scene he also shows views of white supremacy because he states that minorities come to America only to exploit it as opposed to establishing themselves as â€Å"model citizens†. As the movie progresses, it is established that Vineyard is part of an actual white supremacist organization known as the D. O. C. This is where the concept of ethnocentric beliefs is displayed. The group believes that whites are the supreme beings and that other minorities are at their feet. They believe that the government shows no concern for Americans that are down and out, but will rush to help out illegal immigrants. They carry out racist acts throughout the movie. The first one that they perform is the raiding of a grocery store. The D. O. C. enters the market and begins to beat any person of color insight while also screaming derogatory statements. This is followed by a dinner scene where another character tries to bring reason to high criminal rates of African Americans as social inequalities. This scene highlights more racism in that Vineyard is trying to validate his thoughts that the black race are naturally criminals, but he is quickly shot down by people around the table who are able to refute his claims. It eventually escalates and he attacks his own sister. This is the first scene that also displays his anti-Semitic views. It was clear that he did indeed have them by having swastikas tattooed on him, but he verbally assaults a Jewish man with derogatory terms and stereotypes. The most important sociological concept is primary socialization. This is what is at the root of the main characters whole being. This is essentially what helped spark the views and hatred that he had developed. The father is sitting at the same dinner table as seen in a previous scene as he begins to show his prejudice views. The father first starts out by referring to affirmative action as â€Å"affirmative blacktion†. He also warns his son not to swallow everything this black teacher is teaching him. He eventually wraps the conversation up by referring to it as â€Å"Nigger Bullshit†and forewarning him to be careful. This is the most significant scene because the concept of primary socialization is seen in full effect. For the film American History X, there is no clear protagonist or antagonist because the character goes through a transformation throughout the film. He begins the story as the antagonist, but later reforms himself to a more protagonist type character. Due to this transformation, the antagonist would have to be the head of the D. O. C. This is because he is exploiting the youth and pushing his views on to them. He capitalizes on kids who struggle and living unhappily by placing blame on minorities. He teaches them white supremacy and makes claims that minorities have to be dealt with accordingly. Now he doesn’t call for any drastic action, but by creating prejudice within teens will only end in an extremist type individual. The reason why I feel that the main character, Vineyard, is the protagonist is because after jail he tries to right his wrongs. He tries to make his brother see that the life he had once lead was not right and at the same time formally tells the leader that he wants no part of the organization anymore. Granted he once was the antagonist, but the plot sets up a battle within the character. He chose to change his ways as he served time and rid himself of the racist views that he once preached. This film is beneficial and could be used for educational purposes. This is because it shows that preconceived notions can eventually disappear. Views of prejudice and hatred can be absolved and a person does not have to continue down the road they once went. It can help educate the youth by showing them how easily it is to be influenced and the consequences of accepting views pushed on you. It will help people become more independent and free thinkers.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Financial Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Financial Research Report - Essay Example The stock’s high – low prices in 52 week range are 385.10 - 575.14 as on 6 December 2013 with closing price at 559.99 (Yahoo! Finance, 2013a). Being a diversified company, there are several competitors to Apple in various product ranges. In smart phones Samsung can be considered as a major competitor. Amazon and Microsoft are its competitors for iPad. Google is a tough competitor in many ways. Android smart phone of Motorola, a Google’s subsidiary competes with iPhone. Cloud service Google Drive can be considered as competition to Apple’s iCloud.  Rationale for investment The important factor influencing the decision to invest in Apple Inc. is its position in market vis-a-vis with its competitors. Gryta (2013) observes â€Å"Apple and Samsung devices hold their values reasonably well. BlackBerry and Nokia not so much†¦ Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android are more developed with applications than the more recent operating sy stems from BlackBerry and Microsoft.†Apple’s ability to charge premium prices for its products in the market indicates its superior technology and brand loyalty. Therefore, stability of the operations in terms of sales and profitability in the future is assured, considering the growth prospects of consumer electronic goods and the development of new markets. Analysis of financial statements for the past three years strengthens our decision to recommend this stock for investment to investors with long term point of view and with low to medium risk preference. Shareholder equity Total stockholders’ equity has consistently increased over three years. This has reflected in increase in net tangible assets. (Annexure – I) 2013 2012 2011 Net Tangible Assets 117,793,000  112,851,000  72,183,000  Total Stockholder Equity 123,549,000  118,210,000  76,615,000  Operational performance Operational performance during the pas t three years indicates all round growth. (Annexure – II). Net sales at 108249 in 2011 increased to 170910 in 2013. Increase in sales works out to 57.89%. Cost of sales at 64431 in 2011 increased to 106606 in 2013. Increase in cost of sales works out to 65.46%. The reduction in gross margin at 64304 in 2013 compared to 68662 in 2012 is due to increase in cost of sales. This is in line with the overall economic situation in the country/world. However, increase in gross margin at 64304 in 2013 compared to 43818 in 2011 works out to 46.75%. Similarly, there is improvement in net margin from 25922 in 2011 to 37037 in 2013 that works out to 42.88%. Cash flow Cash flow indicates efficiency in cash management. (Annexure – III) 2013 2012 2011 Changes In Accounts Receivables (1,949,000) (6,965,000) (1,791,000) Changes In Liabilities 8,320,000  9,843,000  8,664,000  Changes In Inventories (973,000) (15,000) 275,000  Reduction in accounts receivable in dicates efficiency in collections. Liabilities are under control and more or less at the same level in 2013 compared to 2011. Reduction in inventory represents efficiency in materials management. Changes in accounts receivable and inventories should be viewed in the back drop of increased sales over the period. Therefore, positive changes in these cases in spite of increase in sales can be considered as an achievement. Taxation In respect of taxation the company stated, ‘Management believes that an adequate provision has been made for any adjustments that may result from tax examinations’
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The death penalty should be administered for particularly heinous Research Paper
The death penalty should be administered for particularly heinous crimes - Research Paper Example hment, most people are afraid of death that is inflicted by the law; hence, what is most fearful is likely to deter most criminals into engaging in heinous crimes. According to Hess and Drowns in their book wrote that death penalty is a better deterrent to violent youths (330). Administering death penalty will be effective in deterring murderers who might otherwise not been deterred through any other means when they friend face this punishment. This is because most of these murderers when given life sentence in place of death penalty, they continue committing crimes in prison, such as murdering other prisoners or even prison wards; therefore, death sentence is the only punishment that can be used to prevent such criminals from committing crimes. Otherwise, they will not be discouraged into committing heinous crimes through any other means, and again because both convicted prisoners and prison warders deserve protection from these criminals. In addition, it is important to enforce death penalty as a form of retribution even though death penalty does not prove to stop murderers from continuing the practice due to the threat of life imprisonment. On the contrary, the finality of death penalty creates fear amongst criminals and sparing the life of prospective victims by deterring those who murdered them, is of more importance than preserving the life of a convicted murderer because of the possibility that executing them will not necessarily deter other murderers. Therefore, in addition, to using death penalty to prevent crime, it is not imposed for the main purpose of reattributing crimes, for instance, in case of murder it is unjust for the criminal to live. Putting threats and punishment is a necessity in the deterrence since it a one justification for violent crimes. Therefore, a criminal who commits heinous crime volunteers to assume the risks involved; hence, the punishment suffered is voluntarily risked and it is unj ust to the criminal not to be convicted and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
End of Course Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
End of Course Reflection - Essay Example I also learnt time management skills from the assignment deadlines and now I believe I am a better person than I was to join the corporate world. Conversely, the course was well structured as it included all aspects of learning that allowed as students to captivate knowledge and skills to mold our psychology as we go out to the job market (Harvard and Hodkinson, 2004). Personally, I have been elevated by the course since most of the stuff that I previously did not have interest in are currently my new passion. The course has modeled me in all aspects; educationally, socially and morally, thus I am in a better position to solve the current problems in the field and the world since the skills that I possess are enough to enable me come up with a formidable solutions to the current problems in the field. Finally, the course presented a challenge through its objectives, thus we as students had the obligation to satisfy the general goals of the course; I am glad that I have satisfactorily met a significant amount of the course responsibility and hope the knowledge will be of great importance in the practical field (Williamson,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Performance of any construction project
Performance of any construction project Chapter 1: Introduction. 1.1 Introduction: The delivery of any project is considered successful, when it achieves its predetermined goals and objectives. The performance of any construction project is measured or benchmarked by three aspects i.e. time, cost and quality. Any variations to these three aspects may lead to the failure of the project. Cost of the project, its duration and the value achieved from the project is an important issue, particularly for public funded projects. As these types of projects are sponsored by tax payers, hence it becomes necessary to provide better value for their money in terms of services or facilities. Increased duration means the tax payers and the overall economy of the country have to wait for facilities such as infrastructure and services. This will make hurdle for the progress of economy of that country. The simplest definition of the cost overrun in the construction project is an overrun which occurred rather than presumed cost. The researchers findings suggest that most of the public funded projects across the globe suffered from the phenomenon of cost overrun. The study of Flybjerg et al (2002, 2003 and 2004) had covered 23 countries across five continents and found as infrastructure projects often suffer from the cost overruns. For the successful delivery of the project without any cost overrun, it is necessary to investigate the various causes of cost overrun and as per various causes, preventive measures are to be implemented to avoid cost overrun. There is an internal relationship between the type of the project i.e. size and purpose of project, type of risks involved in the projects and the phenomenon of cost overrun. Most of the mega projects are more susceptible for the cause of cost overrun due to various reasons such as, longer duration, variety of risks involved and influence of stake holders. Every cost escalated project has unique causes of cost overrun particular to that project, which mostly depends upon the location of the project, culture of construction industry at that location and type of project etc. Various researchers have found out the cause of cost overrun particular to their case studies. These causes of cost overrun are further subcategorised as technical causes and non technical causes. Majority of technical causes found are inaccurate cost estimates, poor project management and improper risk management. Even though there are various causes of cost overrun for different projects, same measures can be implemented for any projects to take care of cost overrun. Though there are various case studies for successful projects and unsuccessful projects in aspects of cost overrun, the case study of construction of terminal 5, Heathrow is explained here as it is one of the successful project delivery without any cost overrun due to various measures and innovative strategies adopted by BAA during the project management. The case of Wembley stadium is considered for finding the causes of cost overrun as a failure project, which led the contractor to the huge amount of loss of profit. Cost overrun has various impacts in a construction industry such as prolonged duration of projects, budget shortfall, supplementary agreements, loss of reputation for client, contractors and consultants and adversarial relationship among the stake holder due to failure of the project. As said above, most of the public funded projects were suffered from the cost overrun. It is necessary to attain the effective measures for cost overrun for the successful completion of the projects, which will be helpful for the socio-economic progress of that country. 1.2 Purpose: Every country across the globe it may be developed or developing, is trying to make life of the citizens easier by providing or enhancing the infrastructural facilities. History shows that most of the infrastructural projects are prone to cost overrun with effect of delays or suspension of the projects, leading to deceleration in achieving infrastructural facilities for the tax payers or that country. In order to realise every nations development dream and to leap towards the respective aspiration, every professional of construction industry will have to opt for successful project delivery without any cost overrun, sticking to time constrain and with optimum quality. This fact gives the much needed motivation for the research. 1.3 Aim: The aim of the research is to investigate the major causes of cost overrun in construction projects and measures to avoid cost overrun. 1.4 Objectives: To build clear understanding of the causes and measures for the phenomenon of cost overrun. To study some practical evidences to compare causes found for failure project and measures taken for successful project. Analyse the information obtained from study (literature review and case studies) and provide results to facilitate further recommendation and suggestions for avoidance of cost overrun. 1.5 Research questions: What are the major causes of cost overrun? What are the various measures to avoid cost overrun? 1.6 Breakdown of the dissertation: This chapter gives the summery of the various contents which were covered in the research. For better achievement of aims of research every topic will be covered in the chapters, following are the introduction of all chapters Chapter 1:- Introduction This chapter covers the preliminary introduction to the topic with purpose of study, aim, objectives, research questions and breakdown of the dissertation. Chapter 2:- Review methodology This chapter explains about the methodology followed to execute the study with explanation about research strategy, literature review, case study, research design, methods of data collection etc. Chapter 3:- Literature review This chapter covers the literature review with description about cost overrun, megaprojects, causes and measures for the cost overrun. Chapter 4:- Case study This chapter gives the evidence of real life case studies, to get better idea of causes for failure and measures for success of project. Case study of terminal 5, Heathrow is studied to understand successful delivery and case study of Wembley stadium is considered for causes of failure of project. Chapter 5:- Finding and analysis This chapter covers the knowledge gained from the studies and analysis in the form of future recommendation to avoid the cost overrun in construction projects. Chapter 6:- Conclusion This chapter covers the introduction for conclusion, objectives and their attainment, limitation and strength of the study, which will be benefited from the study and the future recommendations. Chapter 2: Review Methodologies 2.1 Introduction Sekaran (1992) defined research as an organized, systematic, data based, critical, scientific inquiry, or investigation into specific problem, undertaken with the objective of finding answers or solution to it. This chapter explains the methodology and the techniques, which were used for achieving the objectives explored in the Chapter 1. For doing so it will first discuss about the research design process, theoretical and practical explanation about selecting structured literature review and case study approach. It also elaborates about the actual design of the case study and details surroundings the selection of the case study. These detailed explanations involve the formation of questionnaire about the case study, overview of case study and discussion of the related issues. After this the section describes about the data collection methodology which was utilized in this investigation. 2.2 Research strategy A Research strategy is a plan containing the ways of finding out the answers of the research questions. For framing the research strategy it is necessary to define the objectives of the research and accordingly the research strategy can be developed. Flyvbjerg (2006) and Bell (2005) explained about the strategy, study and the situations. Accordingly, the problems under study and the situation will decide the strategy. Also the approach of information collection does not depend on one method. Methods are opted for feeding required data to produce complete piece of research. Various methods are used to examine a subject which eventually increases the validity of the theory. Yin (2003) had elaborated five different strategies, which will support the research, accordingly, Experiments: Experiment will be helpful when there will be degree of control over the iterative trials and researcher is focused on current events. This will help to find out the conclusions by interrelating the cause and the effects of the variables in the research, which can be achieved by manipulating and control of external factors. Survey: A survey is a structured questionery which is to be questioned to the people. This will be the alternative for the experiments when there is no need of the control over circumstances of the event. The quality of the data by this method is lower than the other methods because the behaviour or approach of the person facing the questionery will affect the survey result. Case study: It involves thorough observations of few individuals. Data collection may involve inspecting the events, interviews and finding records. Archival analysis: It involves the thorough analysis of collected documents, archives, which may be journals, books, web pages etc. Here archival analysis is considered literature review. History: History is similar as archival analysis as it does not require control over the response of the events, only difference is as archival analysis focuses on the current events while history does not. History is practical when there is no control over the behaviour events and investigator does not focus on contemporary events. From the various methods stated above the author has considered case study and literature review as the potential methods for the research under study. Specifically case studies of construction of Terminal 5, Heathrow and construction of Wembley stadium have been adopted for the proper understanding of the topic.By adopting the recommendations and similar conditions in context to the research, the study under view plans to follow broad range of methods such as qualitative and some elements of quantitative techniques. To accomplish this research project, both case study and literature review approaches will be used. There are various reasons apart from as stated above for the adopting literature review and case study approach. One of the reasons will be the problem of biased selectivity in reviewing the literature and bias in reporting which reflects authors bias. In addition to that, there may be difficulty of generalization of data on the basis of individual cases as interpreted by Flyvbjerg (2006).However the combination of the data from the literature review in context with case studies and further analysis will greatly improve the quality of this research and with anticipation, will not produce any barriers at the analysis and interpretation stage. 2.3 Literature Review Bouner (1996) explained about the various reasons for giving time and efforts for the literature review before approaching towards the research project. Accordingly To identify gaps in the literature To avoid reinventing the wheel To carry on from where others have already reached To increase your breadth of knowledge of your subject area To identify seminal works in your area To identify opposing views To put your work in to perspective To identify information and ideas that may be relevant to your project To identify methods that could be relevant to your project On the basis of the above reasons literature review can be defined as a survey of the scholarly articles, relevant books and other academic sources (Dissertation, conference proceedings) in context with the research subject, providing details, critical analysis and summery. Literature review can be done by adopting various steps one by one as Define the topic Compile a list keywords Identify resources Search results Screening results Organize findings Data extraction and Reporting. 2.4 Case study Feagin et al (1991) defined case study as an ideal methodology when a holistic, in-depth investigation is needed. Yin (2003) explained about the case study as when the phenomenon under study is not readily distinguishable from its context. According to Flyvbjerg (2006) case study is beneficial in view of developing and analyzing the hypothesis but not limited to these research activities alone. He elaborated the case study as a perfect choice for achieving the greatest possible amount of information on a given problem or phenomenon. Yin (2003) recommended about the data collection for the formation of the case study, accordingly data obtained from the multiple resources, approaches will add value and strengthen the case study. Yin (2003) identified six sources of case study evidences namely documentation, archival record, interviews, direct observations, participating observations, and physical artefacts. Due to certain limitations including time and lack of funds, this research will make use of only documentation and archived materials. Data from the two separate case studies was collected to get near to the aim of the research and trying to find literal replication to support the findings of the research. The propositions directed and shaped the collection and analysis of data in each case study. Yin (1994) given recommendation to be followed for methodology for a case study which has four stages; Design the case study protocol: determine the required skill develop and review the protocol. Conduct the case study; prepare for data collection distribute questionery conduct interview Analyze case study evidences: analytic strategy Develop conclusion, recommendations, and implications based on the evidence. Yin (1994) intimated that case study designs are not variants of other research design he proposed five components of case studies: A studys questions, Its propositions, if any, Its unit(s) of analysis The logic linking the data to the propositions, and The criteria for interpreting the findings (Yin, 1994, p.20). The stage of analysis is a critical factor in case study because it is a system of action rather than individuals or group of individuals. Case studies will be isolating, focusing on one or two issues which will be helpful to understand the system being examined. Multiple case studies will adopt the logic of replication. Each individual case study consists of a whole study, in which facts are gathered from various sources and conclusions drawn on those facts. The topic of cost overrun is vast because to understand or to investigate the various causes of cost overrun it is necessary to go thoroughly to the every phase of the project, right from its inception to completion stage. Hence the time available to write dissertation on such huge and vast topic is limited, so instead of writing two much case studies, emphasize is given on two case studies such as successful project as a project T5 and failure project as a Wembley stadium. Why case study of project T5 and Wembley national stadi um? The answer is, Terminal 5 project considered here to understand the successful project delivery without any cost overrun and the Wembley stadium is considered for finding and comparing the causes of failure of project. 2.5 Research Design A deliberately planned arrangement of conditions for analysis and collection of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy of procedure (Cook et al 1981).The purpose of the research design is to map the process of research, i.e. research design is used to frame the research, by mapping all the major parts, components, and activities involved to achieve the objectives involved in research project. Various parts and components of the research are samples or groups, measures and activities such as methods of assignment are to be addressed to central research questions. Before planning research design the very first step is identification of the research objectives and then the research questions are then asked and accordingly strategies are to be identified. While fixing the strategy about research design, researcher needs to overlook and decide about the usage of viable and accessible source of information with the help of currently available t ools and methods. The data should be collected in view to get assist to the identified problems or reveal some unknown aspects of the research problems. As research strategy is decided by focusing on aims and objectives of the research, all the data collected should be eventually related within the scope of the research. Efficient collection of data requires through understanding and clear definition of the problem and opportunities surrounding the research subject. (See Figure No 2.1) 2.6 Methods of Data collection Various sources of data which were used for data collection is below Databases Emerald Science direct Scopus Wiley interscience Google scholar e-Library, University of Salford EBSCO host Scirus.com Informaworld RICS BAA OGC NAO Wembleystadium.com Other potential sources of information are textbooks, journals available at library, University of Salford. 2.7 Limitations While searching the appropriate article for collection of the data, it is observed that the same article is appeared in most of the resources. As research aim is in context with the overall construction projects, most of the articles found based on public projects and it is difficult to find the article for private projects. Also it is observed that there are very less articles purely on the topic of cost overrun, most of the articles combined cost overrun and time overrun. 2.8 Summary The research methodology is explained here as a process by which the aims and the objectives of the research have been achieved. For finding out and going near to the answers of the research question is achieved by following the research strategy, which includes adoption of the literature review and case studies with justification adoption of case studies for the particular research. Finally the research design described about the collection, segregation and extraction of data from the authentic sources. Chapter 3: Literature review. A construction project is a unique undertaking for essentially a single purpose which is defined by scope, quality, time, and the cost objectives. The cost and the quality objectives are met by the use of limited resources (Ahuja et al 1994). One of the clients main requirements in respect of any construction project is the assessment of its expected cost (Ashworth, 2004).The importance of cost control as explained by Ashworth (2004) is to limit the clients expenditure within the amount agreed, to achieve a balanced design expenditure between various elements of buildings and to provide the client with a value-for-money project. The value-for-money may be the satisfaction achieved by client in sense of optimum quality and in time possession of the project. For any construction project which may be small or large, the first initiative is to prepare the cost estimates. After this stage the cost control measures are to be implemented during the project life cycle to limit the client expenditure within the amount agreed. This will be the theoretical explanation which seems easier rather than the implementation of the various measures because, the various factors such as forces of inflation, economic uncertainties and the erro r prone human input are influencing during the project lifecycle. In construction industry, there are very rare projects which are completed as per the estimated cost and on scheduled time. The projects which are completed on its estimated cost are exception rather than the norm. As said above the construction project has to go through the many phases during the project life cycle. By the transformation along with the duration it will affected by the various factors such as geological conditions, weather and many other parameters which will be unknown during the planning stage of the project. Accordingly the variation in prices, quantities and many other parameters like that prevent accurate cost estimates. Also as the project progresses towards its completion lots of new things will be propping up which eventually change the estimated cost of the project. World recession has generally produced a shortage of funds for capital purposes and construction in general. This has been coupl ed with high inflation and interest charges, resulting in the costs of construction soaring to high level. (Ashworth, 2000) 3.1 Type of project, risk, cost: Kerzener (2006) explained the rules and the guidelines about the execution of the large construction projects. According to that, such projects involves vast number of people often for short or intense period of time and continuous organizational restructuring may be necessary as each stage of the project goes through the different life cycle phase where the matrix and project organization form may be used interchangeably. As stated above every project must satisfy the aim of the client by proper utilisation of the time and resources. For successful completion of such projects the contractor and his organization should be prepared with all the required qualities. There may be various factors within the organization which are found to be critical in concern with the success of the project such as training in the project management, rules and procedures clearly defined, communication at all levels, quality front end planning etc. Kerzener (2006) explained about the behaviour or approac h of the some of the companies and the mega projects. According to this, many companies dream about winning the mega projects rather than recognizing their own capacity such as, lack of availability of on site and skilled workers, lack of properly trained supervisor staff and last but not least, unavailability of raw materials. As a result of such problems, company immediately assigns its employees who may have experience of such project or they may be new to such projects, who eventually face working stress from the execution of the project consequently reducing their efficiency. Such situation will create confusion and delay for the project execution which results in increase the completion cost of the project. Mega projects are not always as glorious as people think they are .Organizational stability, accompanied by moderate growth rate, and may be more important than the quantum steps to the megaprojects. In short megaprojects should be left to those companies that have the faci lities, expertise, resources, and management know-how to handle the situation (Kerzener 2006). Flyvbjerg (2005) explained about the characteristics of the large infrastructural projects as Such projects are inherently risky due to long planning horizon and complex interfaces Technology is often not standard Decision making and planning are multi actor processes with conflicting interest Often the project scope or ambition level will change significantly over time Statistical evidences shows that such unplanned events are often unaccounted for leaving budget contingencies sorely inadequate As a consequence, inappropriate information about costs, benefits, and risk is the norm The result is cost overrun and/or benefit shortfalls with majority of projects. Every construction project differs from the various types of risks such as social/institutional, technical and market related risk. International Program in the Management of Engineering and Construction (IPMEC) has conducted a study about the various types of the risks with the project. Miller et al (2008) have given examples of a various type of the projects such as, oil platform are technically difficult, but typically they face few institutional risks because they are built out of focus of the public attention. Hydro electric power project are tedious in concern with engineering but very difficult in view of social acceptability. Nuclear power projects have all technical, social and institutional risks. A road and tunnel project present high level of technical risk as rock information usually hides big surprises which may eventually affect the cost and length of the project. Here author has explained about the various types of the projects and risks related with that project. The se risk factors are the major catalyst for the causes of the cost overrun and time overrun during the project which eventually drags project towards the failure. Miler et al (2008) explained about the one of the aspects of the risk which he calls as the Turbulence. This is not the type of the risk which occurs in the construction project but it is observed in many of the construction engineering projects. Turbulence refers to the way that consequences of events are compounded in unforeseen ways, even if the initial event lies within the range of possibilities that was known in advance, but often more seriously in the case of events that are truly surprises (Miler et al 2008).In the face of such difficulties the project may get stuck, the parties which are working for the project may leave the project hence again there may be the possibilities to restart the project which may take re-approval of procedure and renegotiation to complete the project. This eventually creates delay and cost overrun in the project. Thus here we can find that the type of project, size of the project, and risks involved with the projects are interrelated with the possibility of the overrun of the cost of the project. 3.2 Cost overrun: Arditi et al (1985) conducted a survey to investigate the causes of the cost overrun in Turkey. For his study he considered the various government projects between the periods of 1970-1980. According to him various causes such as Increase in material cost and wages Inflation burden Shortage of materials and variation in the price index of the material cost, and lastly most important Delay in construction and errors in the initial estimates are the major causes of the cost estimates. As per Arditi et al (1985) the effect of the cost overrun is not only limited up to the construction industry of the turkey but also it had shown its effects to the economy of the that country. Author also stated about the worst situation of the project delays. According to him many of the time situations may arise that many of the completed activities such as casting, fabricating, exterior works of the projects get worn out during lag period and it has to be reinstated after re-approval and restart. Here author tried to explain about extra expenditure which will be spent for the reinstatement of the damaged work due to the project delay which automatically adds up a cost for the project. Author has found occurrence of cost overrun in various stages of the project such as preconstruction and construction phase. Author has not suggested any recommendations for avoiding the cost and time overrun for the projects. Only thing the author has made comment about is the practice of the publ ic agencies regarding their estimating and the payment practices. It shows that there are chances for the minimization of the cost by adopting proper and correct estimation technique and payment procedures. Various studies have been observed in the Nigerian construction industry. Dlakwa and Culpin (1990) conducted survey to investigate the various causes of cost and time overrun for the various projects during the third quarter of 1988. Dlakwa and Culpin (1990) has considered only the construction phase particularly near to completion time of the project for finding and identifying the various reasons for the cost overrun. The author here explained about the significance of completion stage, as there is maximum amount of money of the clients is invested at the completion stage as compared to conception stage of the project. Author has interpreted survey results, according to which there are five major causes for the cost overrun, Fluctuation in labour, material and plant cost Construction delay Inadequate preplanning Deficiencies in the initial estimates Unforeseeable circumstances. Author has recommended about the relationship, trust among the various stake holders such as agencies, contractors and consultants which were involved in the public project, for that reason he suggested various factors such as disagreement on the contract clauses and specifications and enforceable circumstances has to be given prime importance to avoid cost overrun. Mansfield et al (1994) carried out survey for the recently completed highway projects during 1992. The author here explained about the construction industry of one of the developing country and impact of construction industry on the economic growth of the country. Author insisted about the cost effectiveness within the project planning and project management for the development of the economy of the particular country. Author has explained about the current practices of the contracts which were used in the Nigeria. Hence it is observed as even though there are various forms of the contracts are used by public clients, the greater emphasis was given on the fixed-priced contract. Author conducted survey among 50 construction professionals ranging from contractor, consultant and client organization. According to his survey cost overrun attributed to finance and payment arrangements, poor contract management, material shortage, inaccurate estimating and overall price fluctuations in deve loping countries. The lack of proper phasing of construction project
Friday, October 25, 2019
Negotiating Ethics as a Two Level Debate :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers
Negotiating Ethics as a Two Level Debate ABSTRACT: As a form of moral debate, discourse ethic, according to Habermas, is based on regulated discussion. Participating moral agents share a common understanding in the ideal speech situation. Following procedures they try to reach consensus on questions of justice and rights. Critics of discourse ethic point to the bias of Western assumptions regarding agents and methods, the danger of elitism, and the optimism and the pacifism that run through the theory. After modification, Habermas distinguishes two types of discourse: the discourse of justification and the discourse of application. The second is inferior to the first. In the second, there is room for negotiating. There is another way of looking at negotiation, one that takes negotiating seriously as an important category of human behavior. This category shows an interesting overlap with moral behavior. Distinguishing four concepts of negotiating and using reciprocity and trust as the moral minimum, Negotiating Ethics is pre sented as a two level moral debate, close to Habermas but morally different in essential aspects. I. Discourse Ethics: Habermas Habermas establishes his moral theory by externalizing the Kantian dialogue interieur. The externalization takes place in three steps. The first step is to transfer the mental deliberation of the Kantian individual into an interactive public deliberation of all those concerned with the moral topic in question. The second step is to conflate rationality with reason. Rationality no longer is a deduction from Reason, but instead it is an underpinning of reasonableness. In discourse ethic rationality means giving good reasons for choices of reasonableness. The third step is to view justice, not according to the categorical imperative, but by concentrating on the following of procedures. Claims concerning the content of moral deliberation must be avoided. What results is an elaborated, interactive Kantianism, concentrating on procedures but still claiming universalism. Continuing the line of critical theory, Habermas avoids the classical standards of Nature, God and Reason and instead presents the ideal speech situation: an attempt to interpret rational consensus procedurally, with no regard for the content. The ideal speech situation serves to summarize the rules to be followed in moral argumentation: symmetry and reciprocity. Symmetry refers to speech acts: each participant must have an equal chance to initiate and to continue communication, and to make assertions, give explanations, and challenge justifications. Reciprocity refers to action contexts: participants must have an equal chance to express their wishes, feelings and intentions, and speakers must act as if each of them has the same capacity to order, to promise and to be accountable. Negotiating Ethics as a Two Level Debate :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers Negotiating Ethics as a Two Level Debate ABSTRACT: As a form of moral debate, discourse ethic, according to Habermas, is based on regulated discussion. Participating moral agents share a common understanding in the ideal speech situation. Following procedures they try to reach consensus on questions of justice and rights. Critics of discourse ethic point to the bias of Western assumptions regarding agents and methods, the danger of elitism, and the optimism and the pacifism that run through the theory. After modification, Habermas distinguishes two types of discourse: the discourse of justification and the discourse of application. The second is inferior to the first. In the second, there is room for negotiating. There is another way of looking at negotiation, one that takes negotiating seriously as an important category of human behavior. This category shows an interesting overlap with moral behavior. Distinguishing four concepts of negotiating and using reciprocity and trust as the moral minimum, Negotiating Ethics is pre sented as a two level moral debate, close to Habermas but morally different in essential aspects. I. Discourse Ethics: Habermas Habermas establishes his moral theory by externalizing the Kantian dialogue interieur. The externalization takes place in three steps. The first step is to transfer the mental deliberation of the Kantian individual into an interactive public deliberation of all those concerned with the moral topic in question. The second step is to conflate rationality with reason. Rationality no longer is a deduction from Reason, but instead it is an underpinning of reasonableness. In discourse ethic rationality means giving good reasons for choices of reasonableness. The third step is to view justice, not according to the categorical imperative, but by concentrating on the following of procedures. Claims concerning the content of moral deliberation must be avoided. What results is an elaborated, interactive Kantianism, concentrating on procedures but still claiming universalism. Continuing the line of critical theory, Habermas avoids the classical standards of Nature, God and Reason and instead presents the ideal speech situation: an attempt to interpret rational consensus procedurally, with no regard for the content. The ideal speech situation serves to summarize the rules to be followed in moral argumentation: symmetry and reciprocity. Symmetry refers to speech acts: each participant must have an equal chance to initiate and to continue communication, and to make assertions, give explanations, and challenge justifications. Reciprocity refers to action contexts: participants must have an equal chance to express their wishes, feelings and intentions, and speakers must act as if each of them has the same capacity to order, to promise and to be accountable.
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