Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Facebook The End of Friendship As We Know It Essay
Facebook: Its The End of Friendship As We Know It (and I feel fine) Manjoo’s essay Is Facebook a Fad provides extensive insight into various social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Based on statistics derived from Manjoo’s essay, we get to know that Facebook has over one billion active users and one half of them log into their accounts each day (Manjoo p.223). William Deresiewicz also eludes to this in his essay Faux Friendship. As a result of so many people opting to turn to social networking sites, this in turn has made friendship to smoothly be integrated into the various new electronic lifestyles. One way that these sites poses an imminent threat to our ability to communicate face to face, is that,†¦show more content†¦In respect to this, our individual friendship becomes blurred since we tend to spend a lot of time chatting with people who are far away from us instead of concentrating on those around us. Thus to Deresiewicz the more people we know the lonelier we get (Deresiewicz p.478). According to Deresiewicz one of the ways that social networks have shaped our identity is that, nowadays, people are willing and eager to conduct their private lives in public. For instance, people comment about their personal feelings or their whereabouts not knowing of the dangers they pose to themselves. Anything posted on facebook, can be seen by anyone so long as he or she is your friend thus most people comment about their private lives not keeping in mind that not everyone is as friendly as he or she seems in social networking sites. According to Deresiewicz, the value of friendship lies in the space of privacy it creates and not based on secrets that two people share (Deresiewicz p.478). In reference to Deresiewicz, it’s also important to note that most people impersonate themselves while on social networking sites thus making us feel that we quite don’t really know the people we refer to us as being close friends. One of the ways that social networking sites have rede fined the concept of friendship is that, it has led to an end, the classicalShow MoreRelatedHow Social Media Has On Our Society1010 Words  | 5 PagesIn â€Å"Faux Friendship,†associate professor William Deresiewics discusses the affect that social media has on our society. Deresiewics originally published this piece in The Chronicles of Higher Education in December 2009, but this piece has been published in The Nation, The American Scholar, The London Review of Books, and The New York Times. Deresiewics’ attempts to convince readers that social media take away our ability to build relationships in person. Despite Deresiewics’ appeal to ethos andRead MoreHow Facebook Has Changed Our Lives1269 Words  | 6 Pagesrun across people that do not have a Facebook account. Facebook has become so widely popular that it is hard to imagine how we kept in touch without it. Facebook has changed the way we socialize but providing everyone access to a large number of social contacts that would be impossible to maintain through traditional methods of keeping in touch such as face to face meetings, letters, or telephone calls. Facebook helps us easily connect with people with whom we might lose touch without it. It can justRead MoreThe Current Time Period Of The World919 Words  | 4 PagesIn the current time period of the world we inhabit we are in a social media age. Social media is websites that enable us to communicate with one another over the internet. Some of these sites are twitter and Facebook. This like anything else comes with pros and cons. 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The population of adults who fully engage in the social networking has increased tremendously. In the article â€Å"Virtual Popularity Isn’t Cool- It’s Pathet ic†, Ian Daly presents the statistic that there are sixty-four million Facebook users are over the ages of twenty-five and one hundred and ten million MySpace users are over thirty-five (par.1). For the people who born in the 1980s or earlier, they are already working for years to pay their bills and develop their careers. ThereforeRead MoreHow Social Media Affects Tangible Relationships Social Interaction1698 Words  | 7 Pagesgeneration communicates with one another in comparison to older generations. Recent technological innovations, such as social media networking sites has been said to alter the way in which we communicate and the interaction we obtain face-to-face. According to Charles Blow, author of Friends, Neighbors, and Facebook, â€Å"Social networks are rewiring our relationships and our keyboard communities are affecting the attachments in our actual ones†(1).However, research shows that social media not only altersRead MoreSummary Of Aunt Jennifers Tigers By Adrienne Rich1646 Words  | 7 Pagesdaughters misfortune if he would have one and ends up with the thought of not having any daughter. The tone of Kees is harsh and dark. Kees uses the awful words The nights slow poison, tolerant and bland, Has moved her blood. / Or, fed on hate, she relishes the sting Of others agony; perhaps the cruel Bride of syphilitic or a fool. to describe the destination of a daughter that a father envisions. The future that he thinks of his kid is horrible. At the end I have no daughter. I desire none. , the
Monday, December 16, 2019
Online Shopping versus Retail Free Essays
I will be showing you the comparison and contrast between online shopping and going to an actual retail store. When you sit and think about it, there are many differences between the two, but which of the two would you find more convenient and save you the most money. Many consumers have their very own preference when it comes to shopping. We will write a custom essay sample on Online Shopping versus Retail or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I think about the two, I find online shopping a bigger advantage, and also a wider variety of items I may not find in a retail store while walking around. The benefits of online shopping and what it offers to our consumers. With the click of the mouse all your Christmas shopping can be done – now all we have to do is teach our computers to wrap them as well. Thanks to the internet and online stores we can shop in any store, anywhere in the world from the comfort of our home, without the hassle of crowds, queues and parking. While there is a strong online presence, shoppers still love hitting the stores for experience of Christmas gift giving. Brands Exclusive and Living Exclusive head buyer Garth Allan said online shopping has definitely become the new trend in retail. Brands Exclusive is Australia’s leading online shopping club and offers savings of up to 70%off RRPs for more than 800 international and Australian brands. More than 80,000 new members are joining each month with two million Australian members overall. Brands Exclusive recently launched an iPhone app and iPad app for members to gain access to sales anytime. â€Å"Browsing and buying in the store can be a very time consuming process, especially if you have a busy schedule as it. Online stores such as Brands Exclusive are accessible any time of the day or night offering genuine products at significantly Compare and contrast essay over online shopping verses retail shopping PG 3. reduced prices. â€Å"Online retailers also provide access to a broad range of brands and products in one place, making it much simpler for shoppers to browse and buy. †â€Å"Today, people really value the time and effort saved from being able to purchase products at the click of a button verses going to a store. †He said because of that online shopping was a key part of the retail sector and was set to grow 14. 1% to $26. 9 billion by 2016, according to PWC’s 2012 Australian and Bew Zealand Online Shopping Retail shopping and the many benefits it offers to our consumers. Consumers have become increasingly sophisticated and demanding with the availability and abundance of products, services, information, technology, as well as retail stores and channels (Terblanche and Boshoff, 2004). From the consumer’s viewpoint, obtaining value is a fundamental consumption goal and pivotal to all successful exchange transactions (Holbrook, 1994). In response, many retailers are seeking to turn shopping into a high-value pursuit and are highlighting consumer value as an important source of competitive advantage (Woodruff, 1997). Despite the importance of value in creating consumer shopping experiences, existing literature on shopping value is limited. Researchers have conceptualized consumer shopping value from different perspectives and disagree upon dimensions of shopping value. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of consumer shopping value is needed. This research seeks to understand consumer shopping value and its dimensions from a holistic view by connecting shopping motivations and processes to the ultimate outcome of shopping through exploring consumers’ shopping experiences in two major shopping contexts: department stores and mass merchandisers. Department stores and mass merchandisers are of interest because they have reigned as primary retailers in the U. S. and have had a significant impact on the retail marketplace due to their size, longevity, national profile and large Compare and contrast essay over online shopping verses retail shopping PG 4. number of consumers they serve (Wellman, 1980 and Rabolt and Miler, 2009). Department stores are large retail units, such as Macy’s, Dillard’s, and JCPenney in the United States, which generally carry an extensive assortment of merchandise organized into separate departments (Rabolt and Miler, 2009). Mass merchandisers are large retail discount stores such as Wal-Mart, Kmart, and Target, which serve the mass market (Rabolt and Miler, 2009). Department stores and mass merchandisers have applied different merchandising strategies and focused on different value propositions. Department stores emphasize fashion goods with higher markups, extensive service, and a pleasant shopping experience with the value propositions of entertainment, service, and scale. Mass merchandisers, on the other hand, offer a broad range of merchandise at lower prices, provide limited service, and tend to focus on moving merchandise quickly with the hallmark value propositions of low price and shopping convenience. Therefore, comparing consumer shopping experiences at department stores and mass merchandisers may capture key dimensions of shopping value in the retail marketplace and can shed light on the relationship between retail formats and the type of shopping value that consumers gain. Consumer shopping value: An investigation of shopping trip value, in-store shopping value and retail format Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services When you compare the two, you see that they both are a shopping experience that is a preference to one person. If you think of a difference in the two, one is online with modern technology in the comfort of your home or office and retail shopping requires you to drive your car, fight with crowds, search for parking, and stand in long checkout lines. Compare and contrast essay over online shopping verses retail shopping PG 5. In conclusion you can see by the compare and contrast there were several advantages and dis-advantages of the two. In my personal opinion I would consider the retail for my groceries and small trips for the necessary items that I may need to get by. When I am searching for a gift I usually turn to the internet, because it allows me to browse many stores and sites to find the bargains and pricing in my budget that I am willing to spend towards my purchase. I have got great bargains at retail shops and stores in the past. An example was recently on black Friday, I went to our local Wal-Mart and it was so overcrowded and long checkout lines I wished I would of reconsider that trip I made, but I was able to by many Christmas presents at a bargain price. How to cite Online Shopping versus Retail, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Artificial insemination Essay Example For Students
Artificial insemination Essay Artificial insemination is the injection of SEMEN into the vagina by instrumental means. The first artificial inseminations of viviparous (live-bearing) animals were performed by the 18th-century Italian physiologist Lazzaro Spallanzani, who proved that the male contribution to reproduction resided in the semen, although he did not recognize spermatozoa as the fertilizing agents. Pioneering work in the artificial insemination of dairy and beef animals was done in Russia about the time of the Revolutions of 1917. By the 1930s it was being practiced throughout Europe and the United States. The principal advantage of artificial insemination over natural breeding is that a single male of superior genetic quality can be used to impregnate thousands of females, thereby improving herds and increasing dairy and meat production. With artificial insemination, dairy farmers need not risk the deterioration of their herds from excessive inbreeding, nor incur the expense of maintaining their own bulls. In humans, artificial insemination is used to achieve pregnancy when an anatomical impediment prevents direct fertilization. When the male is sterile, semen is collected from an anonymous donor who is known by the physician to have a family history free of genetic disease. The same precautions are taken when, as in recent years, artificial insemination has been used as a means of providing a child to a couple where the woman cannot conceive. In such cases the husbands sperm is used to fertilize a SURROGATE MOTHER, who has volunteered to bear the child, usually for a fee, and to give it up immediately after its birth. At question are the legal aspects of surrogate motherhood as well as unresolved moral and religious issues. In cases where a woman is unable to conceive as a result of defective oviducts, an egg can be removed surgically from her ovary and fertilized in vitro: in a petri dish under laboratory conditions that simulate the environment inside the oviduct where fertilization normally takes place (see IN VITRO FERTILIZATION). The embryo is then transferred to the womans uterus to develop normally. Zoo workers are in the process of refining artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization technologies to help breed a rare and endangered species, to replace the expensive and not-always-successful practice of shipping animals around for mating purposes. Importing semen will make it easier to mate rare animals from far-flung zoos, keeping a good amount of variety in the gene pool. Peter L. Petrakis Bibliography: Andrews, Lori, New Conceptions (1983); Behrman, S. J. , et al., eds., Progress in Infertility (1988); Corea, Gena, The Mother Machine (1985); Noble, E., Having Your Baby by Donor Insemination: A Complete Resource Guide (1988); ODonovan, Oliver, Begotten or Made? Human Procreation and Medical Technique (1984); Overhold, A. Z., Surrogate Parenting (1988); Perry, E. J., ed. , The Artificial Insemination of Farm Animals (1981); Shannon, T.A., and Cahil, L.S. , Religion and Artificial Reproduction (1988); Waltz, J.A., Artificial Insemination and the Unmarried Woman: Legal Rights and Responsibilities (1987). See also: EUGENICS; FERTILITY, HUMAN.
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